Visions & Values

Visions & Values




In Visions & Values you will cultivate a vibrant vision for your business—one infused with feminist principles and filled with pleasure, purpose, and profitability. We will guide you through the creative process of developing a Vision Handbook, a foundational document that captures your most innovative business ideas, intentions, inspirations, and potent dreams, setting you up to grow with integrity and impact.

Visions & Values begins with an 8-week guided curriculum full of fun activities, powerful energy tools, feminist and antiracist resources, and weekly worksheets for writing your Vision Handbook. You’ll journey through the realms of alchemy, pleasure, possibilities, and magic as you develop an inspired and integrated vision for your business.

1. Introduction to Business Alchemy
2. Cultivating a Healthy Relationship With Your Business
3. Gathering Your Elements
4. Becoming a Feminine-ist Leader
5. Building a Feminist, Antiracist Business
6. Fulfilling Needs with Purpose & Products
7. Pleasure, Purpose, & Profitability: Cultivating a Radical Vision
8. Entrepreneurial Alchemy: Gathering Your Resources, Synthesizing Your Vision

In the process of writing your Vision Handbook, you will develop clear and compelling language around the what and the why of your business (your UVP), so you can speak with confidence. You will cultivate a new vision of profitability, one that brings purpose, pleasure, and guiding principles to the fore. You will discover your natural talents and skills, and use these to increase the impact and vitality of your venture. You will also develop branding that you can use in your company’s marketing and communications.

In the online community you’ll integrate your ideas, polish your Handbook, share your process, and enjoy the encouragement of your fellow feminist entrepreneurs. We’ll host live video classes, support calls, and online discussions throughout to give you the support and connection you need to do your most inspired work. At the end of the journey, we’ll hold a group ceremony to share and celebrate your completed vision.

This course is designed for small business owners and solopreneurs who are good at what they do but don’t know where they’re going. If you have been in business and are feeling dissatisfied, uninspired, stuck, burned out, are needing to pivot, or ready to have a greater social impact, V&V is for you. This course will give you the tools to re-imagine your offerings, reconnect with your purpose, or reposition your entire business.

This course corresponds to the Visioning stage, in Sister’s feminist business framework. If you are brand new to business, you will need to complete Concepts & Conception, before enrolling in Visions & Values. If you have taken C&C and are ready for next steps, this course will support you in bringing your concept to life.

Your Registration Includes—

• 8 week guided course with new materials weekly.
• Membership in the V&V community, hosted on Mighty Networks.
• Bi-weekly community Zoom calls for the entire 5 months, including four 90-minute live video classes.
• Weekly visioning worksheets.
• Editable template for your Vision Handbook.
• Guided visualizations, feminist resources, creative activities, and other cool alchemical tools to keep and use forever.
• Closing ceremony to celebrate the completion of your Handbook.
• A copy of Business Birthing Handbook eBook.

“Visions & Values had a lot of descriptive exercises for my company, the role I play in it, and the role it plays in the world. All of the things I figured out in V&V about who I am, how I do things, why my company exists and my values, have been core parts of who I’ve reached out to, how I’ve described myself, and how I’ve stood up for myself when negotiating rates. I would’ve had a very hard time doing that without the V&V pieces in place.”
—Tina C

“Visioning has shown me that I can do a whole lot more with my business. And my work behind the scenes is so much easier, because I have a lot more confidence. The tools I got in Visions & Values were spot-on, and I still work with them all the time. I don’t know why anyone would go take a ‘normal’ business class at this point. If we truly want to evolve in real time, Sister has the way forward.”
—Bonnie P.

“I would say the biggest take away [from V&V] for me is permission. Permission to create something that's totally new and aligned with my own creative vision and my values. Permission to have a business that supports me and my body. I have a lot of friends who know they want that, but they don't really believe that they can have it. And I feel like my experience taking Feminist Business School courses has really eradicated the notion that it's not possible to have those things.”
—Amelia S.


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