Better Together

Better Together



Starts February 7

Running a business in a pandemic is hard. Like, really hard. And when you're the boss, you don't get to hop on the Great Resignation train. Because your business is the financial lifeline for yourself, your team, and possibly your whole family. It's okay if you are totally, completely burned out right now. It's normal.

Ultimately, business burnout boils down to one root cause: you're not getting your needs met. We have lots of different kinds of needs: physical, emotional, financial, social and creative, to name a few. If you're not getting your needs met in your business, chances are, the other people in your business (your team, customers, and clients) aren't getting their needs met either. This leads to slipping sales and slumping morale. When that happens, we start to feel even more defeated and resent or avoid our business altogether, which just makes everything worse. 💔

Better Together is filled with tools and activities for healing burnout and developing a healthy, supportive relationship with your business. Every day, for seven days, you will receive an email with a fun, creative, or therapeutic activity to guide you in getting your mojo back. Through guided visualization, tarot, journaling, worksheets and art projects, you’ll start getting your needs met and heal your relationship with your business so you can SHINE 💎✨.

Better Together can be completed in 7 days or on your own timeline. The emails, PDFs, audio files, and video links are yours to keep and use forever.

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We want you and your feminist business to thrive, even in these dark times. We know it all feels super hard right now but you *can* reclaim pleasure and playfulness in business. You *can* dissolve your resentments and avoidance tactics. You *can* feel excited about going to work everyday. You *can* feel connected to your purpose.

Better Together is designed for small business owners and solopreneurs, to give you a toolkit for recovery and newfound sense of support, balance, and nourishment in your business.

WE SUPPLY: 7 emails to guide your retreat, printable PDFs, and tools you can continue to use to nurture your relationship with your business even after the retreat is over.

YOU BRING: a tarot deck, a notebook, a playful spirit, and a desire to change your relationship with your business.

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This retreat offered an overdue opportunity to be introspective in a guided, supported way. I loved how Sister tapped into all of the creative centers of imagination, journalling, reading, listening, and tarot to uncover my business relationship and give me usable techniques on improving it. We forget how important it is to invest time, money and energy into ourselves and business on the regular. Think of this retreat as adding to the compost which supports your growth. Totally recommend. — Elizabeth

I really loved this one week course! I did it over a slightly longer period of time, and I found all the activities to be incredibly helpful. I am at a point where I finally found solid ground in my business and started putting it into the world. I have a tendency to tear down my own buildings and these relationship exercises gave me a new level of respect for my business. It feels like insurance that I will focus on cultivating it and not be so critical that I ruin it. — Julka

I've been resisting any kind of investment in my new business (after a previous bad business relationship, I now realize). The tools have already been helpful in both my business and my personal life, and helped me find clarity and space when thinking about my creative work and the business that supports it. — Tara

As a business owner of a company that is now almost five years old, it was wonderful to really take a step back and come at this virtual retreat with a complete beginner’s mind. The experience of working on each daily exercise provided great insight and clarity, and helped to better connect me to my business—and my business spirit. — Rachel

Sister is seriously a genius curator of content. The books, meditations, cards, etc that Jenn recommends are so helpful and delightful, and often things that I haven't before encountered. — J.

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*A variation of this retreat was previously offered as “You Are Not Your Business.”

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